Monday, 5 August 2013

Guest Post - Adam from A Boy in Womens Wear!

Hello readers of this lovely beauty filled blog. I have been given the wonderful opportunity to write a guest post for you all to enjoy, in fact the lovely Charlotte has a guest post over at my silly little thing I call a blog, you can find it here:
Boy in Womens Wear!
 So basically I am taking over this blog for this one unique post written by me.......obviously.

So when I was given the opportunity to write a post I was stumped and to be honest a little bit scared. I mean this blog here is a well written blog about beauty and the products to use, something which over at my blog I never write about. My Posts are very personalized thoughts on topics and such, so my views on beauty are a little bit different. I suppose I should make one thing clear....... I am actually a Guy!.......I Know Shock horror right?!......and at my blog I gave myself the task to write about beauty and fashion from a males perspective. 
Doing this has forced me to learn things about the way women approach beauty and fashion, a way I never actually thought I would understand. I have entered the world of female blogging that has opened my eyes. It has opened my eyes to things I never saw before, things that I never knew existed. I mean a year ago I had no idea what contouring was, now I can flick through magazines and spot well done contouring and sneer at badly done contouring. Before if you had asked me what primer was I probably would have said it was a character from "Transformers". 

Now I reckon I can consider myself quite an open minded guy who appreciates the process women go through when applying their make up and the different styles they try out to bring out their best features. I have experimented these on myself ( I'm a modern man I am not afraid to unleash my feminine side even if I do look simply like a guy in a dress ) and now I feel part of the #BBloggers community. I have met some great Bloggers and learnt so much. My Life has turned upside down. A Year ago I would never have walked down the street and noticed the styles of make up on a women's face, Now I seem to check it out and make sure they have got the right skin tone and that their eye brows are well groomed and even if they have blended their foundation in properly without leaving a two toned face and neck. So all in all I have pretty much unleashed the women blogger within. A Women who thinks every woman should wear Red Lipstick.

So I guess what this guest post accumulates to is the notion that no matter who you are, what your background is, where you come from, if you spend enough time communicating with other #BBloggers and reading their blogs, regardless of your gender, YOU WILL become the woman you never thought existed!

Thanks for reading this rambling of a mad man, I promise you I am entirely sane(ish) and to all beauty bloggers out there keep doing what you are doing. If there is anything I have learnt from reading these types of blogs, it's that your opinions on beauty matter and whatever you believe helps you feel more comfortable and complete is correct. 

Until next time, Hopefully I'll see you on my blog as you join me on my journey deeper into the world of #BBloggers.

@BinWWblog ( The Twitter account on the poster is wrong LOL )

Thank You to Adam for writing this wonderfully different post :) 
You all should check out his blog! 
Love Charlotte xxx

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