Saturday, 23 November 2013

The #bigblogmasproject!

I'm taking part in the #bigblogmasproject! 

The lovely Nicole from Coleoftheball came up with an idea where a group of bloggers will be posting every day from Decemeber 1st until the 24th.

This will be a big task for me as I'm working every week day and have loads of other family events happening nearly every weekend. However I still want to give this project a go and I hope that I can achieve it.

It will be a whole lot of fun and I can't wait to read everyone else's posts.

If you are interested and would like to be kept updated with the posts from everyone who is taking part, you can find them all using the twitter hashtag #bigblogmasproject

Here is a list of all the people who will be taking part.
All links are using twitter handles.

I hope that you will like all my posts, and feel free to leave me a comment on them :)

Love Charlotte xxx


  1. I'm doing blogmas too...well, 25 days of blogging. DIdn't know this was going on :) Happy to find someone else doing the same thing! <3


    1. Oohh can't wait to see your posts :) xxx

  2. Oh! I love this idea! It's lovely :)

    I'l definitely keep up to date with the hashtag :)

    Cat, xo
    I also have a Little Beauty Giveaway currently on too! x

    1. It's going to be so fun :) yay, I hope you like the posts x


Thank you for the lovely comments! I read and am grateful for every single one of them ❤